Discover Your Hair Restoration Options With Our eBook For Men
Published February 26, 2021 2305 Views
Hair loss is about so much more than one’s personal appearance, as the psychological effects can impact everything from self-confidence and social engagement, to the way we work, dress and go about day-to-day life. At Helendale Hair Center in Rochester, we understand how frustrating it can be when y...
Why Many Choose PRP Treatment for Hair Loss
Published August 11, 2020 2776 Views
While the term may be one that’s new to many, PRP treatments—which is short for platelet-rich plasma—has become one of today’s most popular hair loss treatments among both men and women. Platelet-rich plasma is teeming with growth factors that stimulate the repair of damaged hair follicles, while e...
An Overview of Popular Topical Hair Restoration Options
Published June 18, 2020 4807 Views
Anyone dealing with hair loss knows what a struggle it can be, as well as the reach it can have on virtually every aspect of daily life. Fortunately, the science of hair loss has never been more accelerated, and today there are numerous non-surgical options available for those looking to regain thi...
Helendale Dermatology & Medical Spa Expands
Published April 4, 2020 4174 Views
Press announcement HELENDALE DERMATOLOGY & MEDICAL SPA EXPANDS – The ‘Hair Center at Helendale’ to offer NeoGraft™ FUE Hair Transplants – ROCHESTER, N.Y. (June 18, 2013) – Helendale Dermatology & Medical Spa, located in Irondequoit, announces the opening of the “Hair Center at Helendale”...
What Is Alopecia? (with infographic)
Published August 1, 2019 4464 Views
Even if you have never heard the term alopecia, you are most likely familiar with its effects. Alopecia is the general term used to describe many different types of hair loss. Hair loss affects millions of people around the world. But did you know that there are different types of hair loss?...
A Guide to Alopecia
Published July 8, 2019 3396 Views
Hair loss affects millions of people around the world. But did you know that there are different types of hair loss? Alopecia is a common cause of several types of hair loss. This guide will help you learn more about alopecia, who it affects, and what treatment options are available. What Is...
What Does Hair Loss Restoration Cost?
Published May 31, 2019 2990 Views
When we talk to men who are considering hair restoration, their two top questions are: Am I going to look weird? How much does it cost? We get it: sometimes, the biggest deciding factor is price. You don't want to waste your time on something you can't afford, and we don't want you...
How to Spot Red Flags at Your Hair Doctor
Published April 1, 2019 3344 Views
Hair loss is a very personal struggle, and hair restoration is consequently a personal process that can sometimes take months or years. When you decide you want to explore your hair restoration options, you will want to visit a medical doctor, often a dermatologist, who is experienced in multipl...
What Happens at a Hair Loss and Restoration Consultation?
Published March 1, 2019 3286 Views
As soon as you notice your hair is thinning, it's crucial that you take action if you would like to repair the damage and prevent any future loss. By the time you're able to notice that your hair is thinner than it was before, you've likely already lost 50% of your healthy hair follicles. Once t...
My Hair Is Thinning! Will It Grow Back?
Published February 4, 2019 771700 Views
Losing hair is a natural process that happens to everyone, every day. We all lose an average of 80 hair strands a day, but our hair is continually growing in cycles to replenish itself. However, if you have been noticing an unusual amount of hair loss, you might be worried you are going bald....
Should You Visit a Doctor for Hair Loss?
Published November 30, 2018 2842 Views
Hair loss can occur at any age, affecting self-esteem and confidence as much as appearance. If you aren't happy about your hair loss, you have options that go beyond over the counter topical treatments to strengthen the hair you do have and possibly prevent the progression of your hair loss....
Is a FUE Hair Transplant safe?
Published November 2, 2018 6124 Views
Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is the most advanced, minimally-invasive method for hair restoration on the market today, boasting a 92-98% success rate. FUE uses singular healthy hair follicles from a "donor site" of the patient's head to replace their hair to grow back where it was lost. P...
Does Weight Loss Cause Hair Loss?
Published August 2, 2018 5537 Views
Getting to a healthier weight is a great achievement. However, many individuals find that after losing a bunch of weight, they begin to suffer from hair loss. This occurs to women and men alike after surgery or a simple diet change. Why Does This Happen? Regardless of how a person lost wei...
9 Ways To Help Thinning Hair
Published July 6, 2018 2494 Views
You go to great lengths to make your hair look amazing, because you're proud of it. While losing some hair is perfectly normal, there are practical steps you can take to prevent thinning hair. Here are 9 tips for healthy, strong and brilliant strands that shine anywhere. 1. Reduce Stress E...
3 Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Options
Published June 1, 2018 4427 Views
Many people find hair loss unsettling, especially when it's unexpected. Receding hairlines aren't surprising if you've seen it happen to a close family member. Genetics is a strong indicator of both male and female pattern hair loss. However, with no history of baldness or hair loss in your f...
7 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Get Hair Plugs
Published April 3, 2018 10039 Views
Anyone searching for a solution to thinning hair has likely heard about hair plugs. Hair plugs, a type of hair transplant, date back to the 1950s, and while it's still an option for combatting hair loss, many doctors consider it obsolete. Newer technologies, such as follicular unit extract...
Why is Hair Treatment Important?
Published March 6, 2018 12982 Views
Are you nervous about eventually losing your hair? Have you already started to notice thinning hair? Maintaining the health of your hair can prevent thinning hair and hair loss. Schedule a complimentary consultation! Many men and women like you strive for thick, healthy hair, so they incor...
What Causes Hair Loss in Your 30s? [With Treatment Options]
Published February 5, 2018 8815 Views
Losing hair is not an unusual problem for adults. In fact, according to the American Hair Loss Association, two-thirds of men in the United States will lose a notable amount of their hair by the time they reach age thirty-five. Although men are specifically mentioned, it's not uncommon for women...
Do Hair Transplants Trump Hair Plugs?
Published January 1, 2018 3161 Views
If you're a man with thinning hair, you have plenty of options to treat the problem. From over-the-counter remedies to toupees and wigs to hair transplants, it can be difficult to know which one will work the best for you. Hair plugs once were the gold standard to replace thinning hair for men....
Is Hair Thinning Normal?
Published December 4, 2017 2691 Views
Everyone experiences a certain amount of hair loss. Because hair grows in about a six-week cycle, new hair is generating even as older hair growth is shed. Sometimes, however, people of every age may be losing more hair than they think they should. If you fall into that category, you may be c...
7 Causes of Male-Patterned Baldness (And What To Do About It)
Published November 6, 2017 6055 Views
While some men choose to shave their heads, others like to maintain their hairstyle. Unfortunately, male-patterned baldness sometimes determines the man's mind for him. Here are seven causes of patterned baldness and what can be done about them. Age Simply getting older can sometimes...
5 Effective Hair Loss Treatment Solutions Near Rochester and Buffalo, NY
Published October 10, 2017 2711 Views
There are several treatments in Buffalo and Rochester, NY that allow you to take charge of your hair loss and bring back the full body and thickness of your natural hair. When you're looking for hair loss treatment, it's important to know you are getting medically informed and tested treatments,...
How to Determine the Best Hair Loss Treatment
Published August 29, 2016 2643 Views
August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month, so many patients are searching for the best hair loss solution. No such thing exists as the "best" hair loss treatment. Every patient is different! There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for alopecia. A hair loss treatment can only be "perfect for...
Thinning Hair
Published April 13, 2015 2769 Views
It isn't a fun visit when I have a hysterical or depressed patient in my examining room who is losing his or her hair. It causes extreme stress and anxiety for both men and women when they realize their hair is either falling out or they've begun to see bald patches. Most people within their...